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The MTB-Trail in Baneskoven, Skanderborg

If you love MTB, then the Forest is just for you. The forest is a narrow piece of forest that has not been used for any recreation before, and is therefore ideal for building new MTB tracks. Skanderborg Trailbuilders volunteers for the construction of the tracks.

Baneskoven, which provides the forest floor for the trail, is a narrow piece of woodland situated with the railway on one side and industrial areas on the other. The forest has never been used for recreational purposes before, making it completely ideal for building an MTB (Mountain Bike) trail.

The trail will be approximately 5 km in total length, with starting points at both ends. It is classified as a blue trail, meaning it is relatively easy and can be ridden by everyone. Once the main trail is completed, volunteers from Skanderborg Trailbuilders will begin building the slightly more challenging sections, namely the red and black loops.

Baneskoven in Skanderborg has undergone a significant transformation. 6.5 tons of fieldstones of various sizes have been meticulously placed to create berms and turns. 45 m3 of gravel has been transported in wheelbarrows and spread with shovels. 2000 small marking pegs with pink flags have indicated the trail's path. All of this and more has been accomplished by 32 volunteer hands.

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